Package com.tonbeller.wcf.controller

Allows to register RequestListeners that are notified on user actions.


Interface Summary
Dispatcher Fires events to listeners depending on parameters in the HttpServletRequest.
RequestContextFactory creates a RequestContext from request / response.
RequestListener A RequestListener listens to HttpServletRequests.

Class Summary
Controller provides access to the dispatcher and next view
DispatcherSupport Fires events to listeners depending on parameters in the HttpServletRequest.
FacesServlet Ersatz fuer das FacesServlet, dass unter Oracle manchmal in einen illegalen state kommt und an alle clients arrayoutofboundsexception schickt.
MultiPartEnabledRequest This request supports also forms with encoding "multipart/form-data" that is used for file upload.
RequestContext Created on 05.11.2002
RequestContextFactoryFinder finds the RequestContextFactory
RequestContextFactoryImpl Created on 05.11.2002
RequestFilter Informs RequestListeners of incoming request.
RequestSynchronizer serializes http requests.
TestContext Created on 28.11.2002
WcfController WcfController is a Controller that is global for all components.

Exception Summary

Package com.tonbeller.wcf.controller Description

Allows to register RequestListeners that are notified on user actions. For example, RequestListeners may be registered for submit buttons or anchors (<a href="...">)

Dispatchers and RequestListeners

RequestListeners are classes that want to receive event notifications on some http requests. For example, RequestListeners may be registered for a specific URL of a <a href=".." > -- the Listener will be invoked, whenever the user clicks on that anchor. Another example is a button of a form, there may be one RequestListener for every button.

A RequestListener can receive notifications for requests, that contain

A Dispatcher determines the RequestListeners from the request parameters (name/value pairs) and notifies the matching RequestListeners.

Dispatchers may be nested. A child dispatcher, that has been added to a parent dispatcher via addRequestListener(), will respond to all requests that it receives from its parent and will dispatch these to its listeners. Common usage is to have a single root dispatcher (front controller) in the controller servlet, that receives all requests. The next dispatcher in the hierarchy dispatches on pages, the next one on forms and the last one on form buttons. Any hierarchy may be choosen and encoded into url parameters.

Class Diagram

Front Controller Implementation

The Controller is implemented by RequestFilter and SessionListener.

The Controller provides access to a Dispatcher and optionally forwards to the next view.

RequestFilter and SessionListener should be accessed thru Controller and not directly.