Interface DrillReplace

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DrillReplaceExt, TestDrillReplace

public interface DrillReplace
extends Extension

Substitues the members of a hierarchy with the children of a member. Example: A table shows the continents "America", "Asia", "Europe" etc. DrillReplace for "Europe" will replace the continents with the countries of "Europe".


Field Summary
static java.lang.String ID
          name of the Extension for lookup
Method Summary
 boolean canDrillDown(Member member)
          drill down is possible if member has children
 boolean canDrillUp(Hierarchy hier)
          drill up is possible if not all members of the top level hierarchy are shown.
 void drillDown(Member member)
          replaces the members.
 void drillUp(Hierarchy hier)
          replaces all visible members of hier with the members of the next higher level.
Methods inherited from interface com.tonbeller.jpivot.core.Extension
decorate, getId, modelInitialized, setModel

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String ID
name of the Extension for lookup

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


boolean canDrillDown(Member member)
drill down is possible if member has children


boolean canDrillUp(Hierarchy hier)
drill up is possible if not all members of the top level hierarchy are shown.


void drillDown(Member member)
replaces the members. Let H be the hierarchy that member belongs to. Then drillDown will replace all members from H that are currently visible with the children of member.


void drillUp(Hierarchy hier)
replaces all visible members of hier with the members of the next higher level.