Interface PlaceHierarchiesOnAxes

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
MondrianPlaceHierarchies, MondrianPlaceMembers, TestPlaceHierarchiesOnAxes, TestPlaceMembersOnAxes, XMLA_PlaceHierarchies, XMLA_PlaceMembers

public interface PlaceHierarchiesOnAxes
extends Extension

Allows to place hierarchies on the visible query axes.

Use Case.


Field Summary
static java.lang.String ID
          name of the Extension for lookup
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object createMemberExpression(Hierarchy hier)
          finds the expression that generates members for hier.
 boolean getExpandAllMember()
          return the "expand All member" flag
 void setExpandAllMember(boolean expandAllMember)
          set the "expand All member" flag if this flag is set and an "All" memper is put onto an axis, the children of the All member will be added as well.
 void setQueryAxis(Axis target, java.lang.Object[] memberExpressions)
          sets the MemberExpressions for an Axis.
Methods inherited from interface com.tonbeller.jpivot.core.Extension
decorate, getId, modelInitialized, setModel

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String ID
name of the Extension for lookup

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.lang.Object createMemberExpression(Hierarchy hier)
finds the expression that generates members for hier. If hier is used in the query, the expression from the query should be returned, so the navigation position remains unchanged. If the hierarchy is not used in the query, a new expression is created that selects the root members of the hierarchy.

a member expression


void setQueryAxis(Axis target,
                  java.lang.Object[] memberExpressions)
sets the MemberExpressions for an Axis. The axis definition is replaced by the memberExpressions.


void setExpandAllMember(boolean expandAllMember)
set the "expand All member" flag if this flag is set and an "All" memper is put onto an axis, the children of the All member will be added as well.


boolean getExpandAllMember()
return the "expand All member" flag